Focus: Hotel and Hostel Accommodation
(Ps. 91: -10, 34: 7, 46:1. Exo. 12:23, Prov. 18:10)
- Thank God, who always released His Glory cloud as a shield and covering upon all the hotels for our guests and hostels for all the delegates/campers – Exo. 13:21-22.
- Sprinkle all the hotels and hostels that shall be used with the Blood of Jesus, for the risen Christ our Passover, to pass over them, covering them all with Himself so no evil can come in but rather all things within the hotels and hostels will be done under His manifest Presence where only peace, joy, blessings, miracles, etc reign – Exo. 12:7, 13, 2 Cor. 5:7, Heb. 12:24, Psa. 91:4.
- Pray that the holy angels of God will encamp round about the guests and delegates to provide protection and shield from all evil and will also minister to their needs as their servants – Psa. 34:7, Matt. 4:11b. Mark 1:13b, Heb. 1:14.
- Pray that the guests and delegates/campers will be changed from glory to glory, in whatever areas they need to be glorified, by reason of their abiding under the manifest presence of God during BABIC 2022- .2 Cor. 3:17-18, Gen. 28:16-19
- As a New Covenant Pentecostal, Pray all manner of prayers and supplications in the Holy Spirit to conclude today’s journey as the Holy Ghost Himself giveth you utterances- Eph.6:18, Acts 2:4, Rom. 8: 26-27, Jude 1:20 .
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